Tuesday 22 May 2007

The shrinking world

Remember the case of the plane spotters jailed in Greece?

Never mind Greece, why not try Turkey?

According to Aircraft Illustrated magazine the Istanbul airport tour includes "3 days on the ramp", although I think I'd prefer the Confederate Air Force display myself. Indeed, I was once given an application form to become a Colonel in the CAF...

For the more adventuresome enthusiast there's always the Russian tour with optional "INSURANCE including FLYING AS A PASSENGER IN AN UNLICENSED AIRCRAFT". Way to go! Or, how about witnessing "the launch of Soyuz TMA-11 spacecraft from the Gagarin Launch Pad"?

But Russia (like China) is commonplace nowadays. Why not try the Libyan trip?

For the photographer going to Libya:

At the airshow - permitted.

At airports currently forbidden and although negotiations are taking place it is unlikely these will be obtained based on previous discussions.

Don't like the sound of that. Perhaps you should take your photos from an F111.

Finally, why not take a plane spotting trip to Iran? As for photography, it's a case of "approval applied for." Don't get your telephoto lens chopped off...

1 comment:

David Farrer said...

Comment made on previous template:

...Don't get your telephoto lens chopped off... 
That isn't exactly the part I'd be worried having chopped off.

24 May 2007, 18:21:09 GMT+01:00