A libertarian returns to Scotland
"Freedom and Whisky gang thegither"
- Robert Burns
Tuesday 30 April 2002
Monday 29 April 2002
One of several post lecture observations was from Jimmy Reid, a regular Scotsman columnist.
Note this:
“He (Smith) maintained that labour is the source of all wealth. Does this mean that the labourer should enjoy the full fruits of his labour? Dammit! The man must have been a closet Marxist.”
But Murray Rothbard in the first volume of An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought tells us that “Smith’s doctrine on value was an unmitigated disaster” and further described it as a “colossal blunder.” The twentieth century Austrian School of economists from Mises to Rothbard himself has satisfactorily demolished the labour theory of value. Unfortunately, the British left, from Reid to Brown, has not yet learned that lesson.
Excuse me. When I fly, I'm not interested in "diversity" or "equality" in the cockpit. I want a pilot who knows how to fly the thing and nowadays that certainly includes the ability to work a computer. It's called competence.
I suggest that these politically correct types form their own airline. They can finance it themselves, design their own planes - perhaps "Blairbuses" - and allow the passengers to elect the flightcrew from among themselves on each trip. Let Air PC be filled with PC passengers. I'll stick with Ryanair.
Sunday 28 April 2002
Saturday 27 April 2002
Friday 26 April 2002
Thursday 25 April 2002
Attention Warren Buffett!
Wednesday 24 April 2002
I was also inspired by and constantly refer to Instapundit for the real news from the USA.
appears today. Bruce's letters are always concise models of how to demolish socialist nonsense.