A libertarian returns to Scotland
"Freedom and Whisky gang thegither"
- Robert Burns
Monday 31 March 2003
Silver investing
Save Iraqis - give them markets
But what of Scotland? The Heritage Index puts the UK at number 9 (equal with Australia) in the economic freedom listing. John Blundell reckons that an independent Scotland would only make 60th spot in the freedom charts. Scottish nationalists are always pointing to the example of Ireland as a successful independent country of similar size to Scotland, but Ireland scores 5th on the freedom index. Ireland is prosperous, partly through EU subsidies, but mainly because its politicians are instinctively pro-business. The opposite applies in Scotland. All too many people discuss Scotland's economic prospects in terms of how much oil would accrue to an independent government or whether the Barnett squeeze will create a funding shortfall. The real question is how much economic freedom we have and whether property rights are recognised. That depends on our political culture, not on natural resources or subsidies from south of the border.
No smoking - by order
I don't think that local government should be telling us what we should or shouldn't do with our bodiesHe is quite right. Smoking policies should be decided solely by property owners and not by the state. Bring back American freedoms.
Sunday 30 March 2003
Business and education.
Bob Leitch, director of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce, says it is critical that politicians do not confuse a highly educated workforce with that of a highly skilled one. He says the latter is what is required, rather than focusing simply on churning out ever greater numbers of graduates. 'We turn out twice as many LLBs in Scotland as there are law apprenticeships available but only half as many engineers as we need,' he says.And:
The CBI's McMillan says that employers in Scotland spend £2 billion a year on training but it is questionable if it is money well spent as many courses are funding-led rather than demand-ledThe reason why we have too many lawyers and too few engineers is that higher education is largely paid for by the state and not by students. I recall asking the head of administration at a British university what proportion of the cost of a typical degree was covered by payments made by the student. His reply: "No one has ever asked me that before." Students need to take responsibility for the full cost of their education and the earnings necessary to pay for it if we are get "demand-led" courses.
Saturday 29 March 2003
This one is for you, David:
For other photographs of Edinburgh and many other places, I recommend this site
If she ruled the world...
GOLDIE, Annabel Con, West of Scotland list ***** Fragrant goddess, household dynamo, oratorical nymph, incorruptible maiden, damsel of democracy, and bleedin’ all-round brilliant bird. Brings own doilies. Good at dusting. Despite all of which, she debates well, crafts grand speeches, and has a deep understanding of politics.McNeil has rated MSPs on this scale:
***** Could rule the world
**** Could rule the country
*** Could rule a council
** Could rule a residents’ association
* Couldn’t rule an allotment
+ denotes a half star
Sadly, nobody has been rated with one star but, reading between the lines, it is probably warranted by some two-star folk.
I have done a little analysis of the ratings and can report average scores by party:
Labour: 2.96The largest party (Labour) has the lowest score and their typical MSP "couldn't rule a council". Some of us have noticed! Does the Labour machine select numpties as candidates through some sort of "market failure"? I have a horrible feeling that Labour's candidates truly reflect the party's membership.
SNP: 3.45
Conservative: 3.5
Liberal Democrat: 3.5
Others: 4.3
The "others" do well, presumably because it is difficult to get elected in this category unless you're well above average and once elected they get more exposure than backbenchers from the larger parties and can learn "on the job".
All in all, a fascinating report.
Friday 28 March 2003
Not much blogging today
It looks like it will be hot in Edinburgh in other ways tomorrow....
"Double Standard"
Thursday 27 March 2003
Launch of new parties
The alliance is clearly aiming most at disillusioned Tory voters, particularly by outflanking the Conservatives on the right by pledging to cut Scottish income tax by 3p in the pound, abolishing all Scottish MPs and reclaiming Scottish territorial fishing waters from Europe.We libertarians reject the left-right political spectrum but are certainly in favour of cutting taxes and reducing the number of politicians. The SPA will however lose the support of freedom-minded people by calling for the introduction of identity cards as reported in the Glasgow Herald.
Meanwhile the Residents' Parking Independent Party has announced that it will contest seats in the Edinburgh City Council election.
Wednesday 26 March 2003
Cut taxes now
Duncan Tannahill, chief executive of Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, said: "Bigger firms are being punished twice - by losing uniform business rates and by subsidising small firms. We support the relief scheme but think it should be paid by the executive, not by other businesses."When Mr Tannahill says that the relief scheme should be paid for by "the executive" he seems to think that governments have money of their own. They don't. He's really calling for the rest of the population to pay more tax. Business leaders should be calling for a reduction in the size of government, not for switching taxation from companies to individuals.
There is more here on this issue.
Tuesday 25 March 2003
Young vandals
This is wrong
But last month millions of savers with Standard Life were told their bonuses had been cut for the third time in a year, with some payouts slashed by more than 50 per cent in some cases.Standard Life is mutually owned and the executives have more job security than those at shareholder owned companies. They shouldn't be taking bonuses of this magnitude in the present investment environment. I am myself a Standard Life policyholder but fortunately switched my investment from the "with profits" fund into the cash fund before the stock market slump. Those still in the with profits fund have lost heavily.Plunging share prices have wiped an estimated £20 billion off the value of Standard Life’s with-profits fund in the past year, and the insurer took the drastic action to shore up its cash reserves.
Give the bonuses back.
Monday 24 March 2003
The army marches on its stomach
French letter
My friend Robert Harneis is a historian and Francophile. His views sum up the more complex view here in my part of France: "As I catch up on my Iraqi studies, I have to say that I increasingly sympathise with the Americans. Saddam Hussein is a very dangerous man. I think that the war is not about oil but rather who controls the vast amount of money which Iraqi oil will sooner or later generate. It is, however, clear that in the short term the US and Blair have lost the public relations war."Interesting.
Right and Left
The three biggest American news networks - CNN, ABC, and CBS - have gone into competition with each other and with magazines such as Newsweek and internet providers, including Micro-soft's MSN and Yahoo!Then, the Herald writes:
In contrast, Indymedia.org, the left-wing website which came to prominence in the wake of the Genoa anti-capitalist riots in 2001, carries reports of human shields positioned in Baghdad. Alongside reports of global protests, the site features links to reports by Robert Fisk, the foreign correspondent for the Independent, and Noam Chomsky, the academic and critic of US foreign policy.The writer seems quite oblivious of the fact that CNN is reviled by "rightwing" Americans as being the "Commie News Network". Indeed, many Americans have grave doubts about the neutrality of ABC and CBS. Unsurprisingly, the dead-tree media reporter fails to mention the huge amount of coverage and comment on the war that appears in the blogosphere.
Just imagine it!
As we watched the "shock and awe" together, I wondered aloud what Tony Blair’s children were making of it all. "I’m glad I’m not them," my son declared in heartfelt tones. "The war?" I asked. "No," he said. "Imagine having Cherie for a mother."Quite so!
I won't drink to this!
DIAGEO, the drinks giant, is beating Asian import tax regulations by sending whisky concentrate to the far east and diluting it with Filipino water.If I ever go Asia I'll be taking my own supplies.
Sunday 23 March 2003
The British crown's 400th birthday
The Union has not been aided by its friends. First, we had the Thatcherite defence of an intransigent, inflexible Union, which went against the wishes of a majority of Scots. This discredited the term "unionism" to a generation of Scots. Second, we have seen Labour in power in Westminster and Holyrood continue some of this, emphasising that the Union saves Scotland from the horrors of governing itself, because we lack the confidence, talent and finance to make a good fist of things ourselves.As for the Union's opponents:
The tenor of the debate has also not been aided by critics of the Union. An appropriate understanding of the Union has not been aided by the fundamentalist Nationalist case that the source of Scotland’s problems lies in the Union with England, and it is this which keeps us subservient and lacking freedom.Hassan goes on to suggest "ground rules" for the ongoing debate. Briefly, they are:
1. Accept that Scotland could certainly be a successful independent country.
2. Acknowledge that Scotland is "not held down by a Unionist conspiracy".
3. Recognise the perspectives and traditions of others.
4.Understand that the rest of the present UK (and that means England in particular) will always be important to Scotland, politically and culturally, whatever the eventual constitutional outcome.
These ground rules seem to be exactly what the ongoing debate in Scotland needs.
Saturday 22 March 2003
To the county of Adam Smith
Friday 21 March 2003
Should air routes be protected?
GEORGE McRae, general manager of White's Electronics in Inverness, a US-owned metal detector manufacturer, believes that daily return flights at business-friendly times to one of London's two biggest airports are vital to the region's economy.Mr McRae agrees with local politicians that the Inverness to Gatwick route be protected by means of a Public Service Obligation:
The Council, together with a number of Highland partners, lodged an application for a PSO on the Inverness – Gatwick route in November of last year. It had the full backing of the Scottish Executive. The PSO would ring fence the three daily return slots at Gatwick, preventing them from being taken over by any other service.As a good free-marketer, I don't like the idea of the state telling airlines and airport operators how to run their businesses. Nevertheless, the UK is a uniquely centralised (actually, south-easternised) country - not as a result of market forces but because of government policies. Over 40% of our GDP is spent by the state; the balance is increasingly regulated by the state and, to a greater extent than elsewhere in the western world, that spending and regulating is concentrated in London.
This is why transport links from the "provinces" (is that term used in any other country?) to the capital are so important. Let's decentralise the UK governing machine out of London, thus helping we provincials. Better still, let's abolish or privatise at least 90% of government activity.
More police seek the help of plane spotters
Thursday 20 March 2003
The mother of all liberations
The BBC teletext headline spoiled its report by insultingly describing the DC-3 as a jet!
Wednesday 19 March 2003
Say yes to home schooling
Home schooling has moved on a great deal in the past 20 years and as numbers grow it is becoming a less isolating choice, with parents getting together in groups and networks to share ideas and using things like kumon, the oriental learning system, which runs nationwide drop-in classes, to help.Seeing this article in the normally very statist Glasgow Herald is especially encouraging.....It is high time Scotland rethought its old-fashioned approach to home education. We need to learn to think a bit more out of the box. Why not encourage it? Or at least support it? These are committed parents who are often giving up earning power to spend at least part of their time teaching their kids. They are also taking a burden off the state system.
Schoolhouse is Scotland's own pro-home schooling organisation. Have a look at Brian's Education Blog for more discussion on matters educational.
Tuesday 18 March 2003
History lessons
"Who," asked the babysitter, "is Chairman Mao?" Not such a surprising question, perhaps, except that the babysitter is a third-year student of history at one of Scotland’s more prestigious universities.Apparently the young lady had only been taught Scottish history. I think that it is important for people here to know something of Scotland's history and, as with Ms Bowditch, little of it was taught to me at school. Surely, though, it is astounding that a third-year history student hasn't heard of Chairman Mao. Actually, it's a condemnation of our entire education system that anyone, history student or not, should leave school in such ignorance of the modern world.A quick run through the key attributes of Maoist China failed to elicit any flicker of recognition. The Long March, The Little Red Book, The Cultural Revolution all meant nothing to her. Communism rang a vague bell. She would, she said, ask her tutorial group if any of them had heard of Chairman Mao, but she was pretty sure the answer would be negative.>
Monday 17 March 2003
Hitler: not exciting enough!
The US network CBS, which is funding the series, suggested Sir Ian’s biography was too dry to air on prime time TV.What exactly was wrong with the first book that made it unsuitable for television?Last week, the author gave no detail on why he left the production but said: "I took the decision some months ago. I have not fallen out with the production company but have had no dealings with them since I withdrew."
The president of CBS, Leslie Moonves, said the film was no longer based on Hubris because the book was an academic piece and was "quite dry and needed more incidents".After reading some 600 pages on Hitler's life, I venture to suggest that a shortage of incidents was not a noticeable feature of his career - and I've only got as far as 1937.
Business is really, really upset
"The Executive’s record on manufacturing in Scotland is absolutely abysmal. They have decimated the home-grown manufacturing base in Scotland in favour of supporting foreign firms and inward investment. As a businessman, I would not give my support to Labour again.
There is more in the business section, although your Norton Privacy Control may reject the link.
The coming return of business?
... this redoubt of the Glasgow Labour administration - and Glasgow is likely to be the only major Scottish city still in Labour hands after 1 May - was clearly not built by anyone of a left-wing persuasion. Its magnificent 1880s facade depicts Queen Victoria receiving the homage of the Empire. It is a tribute to the time when Scottish politics, at both national and local level, was dominated effortlessly by the business class.I read yesterday's reports about the disillusionment that has set in among those business leaders who pledged support for Labour during the first elections for the Scottish parliament four years ago:
the entrepreneur and property developer (and also owner of Rangers Football Club) David Murray denounced the Labour-dominated Executive for being dominated by "teachers, councillors and researchers" with little direct understanding of business.Well, I could have told Mr Murray that in 1999 although, to be fair, I don't have his moneymaking skills! Let's hope that business people get more involved in politics here in Scotland. He who pays the piper should call the tune.
Sunday 16 March 2003
Some of you have noticed that the comments facility on this site has been behaving rather strangely. For a while all of the comments disappeared. Now, most are back, but the more recent comments have yet to return. The Haloscan server is being upgraded and I am told that recent comments will reappear shortly.
Trust the people
The article points out that the hotel would be attractive to plane spotters. I noted the following item on a news group that was discussing the RAF base at Fairford, currently being used by US Air Force B52 bombers:
Would this be the same Fairford where an alliance has been formed between local spotters and the Police? The Police are distributing cards to local spotters with relevant telephone numbers should they see anything untoward. The same thing is happening at Stansted. Airport Police have agreed that the overwhelming majority of spotters are a knowledgable asset to the local force. We go to an airport/field and 9 times out of 10, what are we looking for? - things out of the ordinary!This is excellent news. I spent my teenage years watching planes at Prestwick airport. Plane spotters are by far the most likely group to "spot" anything untoward at an airport and to help the authorities do their job.
Saturday 15 March 2003
Tax cuts?
The party would also invoke a Tartan Tax - cutting income tax by three per cent - review the Land Reform Act and pull the country out of the Common Fisheries Policy.I wonder what the Tory response will be.
Friday 14 March 2003
A load of rubbish
The most obvious manifestation of this is the run-down, tatty nature of so much of the city: the litter, vandalism, and graffiti.But apparently it's better in Dundee because it's smaller and has more civic pride. I note too that Dundee has a minority Labour-controlled council whereas Glasgow is virtually a one-party state.
As Hassan comments:
Let's be blunt: there is a contemporary Scottish sentiment which likes to avoid individual responsibility and see problems as the fault of others. This allows us to be self-righteous, blame others, and wax ourselves into a terrible rage, without ever having to think about doing something or our own actions. Attractive? I think notThis problem is worst in Labour-dominated Glasgow but by no means confined to that city.
People's Alliance
The Alliance, the new centre-right force set up to contest this year’s elections, had been expected to propose the scrapping of the devolution settlement. Instead it will advocate keeping the Scottish Parliament but getting rid of Scottish MPs.I think that this is a great improvement on their previous policy. I don't think that there is any chance that Scots would support the abolition of the Edinburgh legislature, but there is great anger at the ever-rising cost of governance. Whether the PA will get anywhere remains to be seen. Nevertheless, I do welcome the emergence of radical proposals to reduce the size of Scotland's political class.... Under the party’s plans, there would be 56 MSPs who would use the Scottish Parliament as they do now to decide domestic policy, but then travel to London to take part in debates and vote on reserved matters, such as defence and foreign affairs.
New links added
Stephen Pollard
A Letter from the Olde Countrie
Slugger O'Toole
Harry's Place
PC Watch
British Spin
All fine blogs - please have a look.
Thursday 13 March 2003
Full fiscal freedom - for schools?
HEADTEACHERS are paying council staff up to £250 for an electrical socket to be fitted - more than five times the going rate - because they don’t have real control over school funds, it was claimed yesterday.Schools should be in control of their own finances and the way to achieve that is to privatise education completely.
As one of the headteachers said:
He added: "If a lad in first year passes wind in class, disrupting the lesson, he needs sorting out in 20 seconds. He does not need a gastro-enterologist, a psychologist and four social workers to discuss his life options."Exactly!
The state is not your friend and it shouldn't be your teacher.
Wednesday 12 March 2003
What other kind is there?
The scheme envisages a range of uses, including offices, nightclubs, residential space and possibly affordable housing.Hang on a moment; what is "affordable housing"?
If someone is going to live in these homes it follows that they are affordable. I have a horrible feeling that these houses will be subsidised by the taxpayer so as to make them "affordable" to the lucky residents, thus making other things not affordable to those who pay for their own homes.
Tuesday 11 March 2003
If it's Saturday, this must be Scotland
... instead, he found himself touring the city's pubs and clubs on a luxury double- decker party bus.The bus had been booked for a mobile birthday party:
"They lifted my bags onto the bus, sat me down and I was very pleased with myself. But then the bus stopped and everyone went into a bar. "I thought that was strange, but I was enjoying myself too much. They all asked me to join in their party.Mr Kajiyama didn't realise that he was on the wrong bus because he had "much difficulty understanding how people speak in Edinburgh". Just as well he wasn't in
Monday 10 March 2003
Water, water everywhere and hardly a drop to sell
Water as a reason for war arose because it's the only genuinely essential liquid to be found in wells, many of which are said to be running dry.Like other environmental problems, what is needed is a proper application of property rights in water resources. Despite Mr Bell claiming that there is a water shortage, he goes on to say:
At the Johannesburg environment summit last year, Wateraid, a pressure group, claimed rectifying much of the world's water could be tackled at the cost of $25bn. Homeland security for the US has a new budget of $40bn. You could fix the world's tap for less than 1% of the US annual defence budget.So money could fix most of the problem - paid for by the capitalist US, of course. And how come America has so much money to spend on defence? It's because the US more-or-less recognises property rights and that is the only way for countries to prosper. So, instead of bailing out failed socialist regimes, let's send them some books on basic free market economics, with a copy for Mr Bell.
Sunday 9 March 2003
Read this site
I support Labour
In today's Mail on Sunday (no links), it is reported that the Scottish parliament has passed 40 pieces of new legislation in its four years of existence. 23 of these news laws "came from the portfolios" of the two Liberal Democrat ministers. The eight Labour ministers managed to produce a miserable 17 new laws. The Liberal Democrats are boasting about this.
Labour: more liberal than the Liberals - can I sell that slogan to Jack McConnell?
There is an alternative
There are two possible solutions. The first is obvious: reforming (and refunding) the state-run schooling system so that it can compete realistically with the independent sector - a remedy that the Treasury has neither the political will nor perhaps the imagination to attempt. The second is the fake: fixing the statistics - forcing the universities to take an even larger number of working-class candidates so that the nation's education deficit - the huge potential our state schools squander every year - does not look quite as disastrous as it really is. This, of course, is as cynical as it is meretricious: fiddling the accounts, Enron-style, to make a bankrupt business look as though it works.I don't think that either of these "solutions" will do. What is needed is to get the state out of the education business altogether. State education is an oxymoron.
Saturday 8 March 2003
A difference of opinion
As a University of Edinburgh graduate, I ought to be pleased that the university has decided retrospectively that the fact I attended a state school near Edinburgh, and that I was the first in my family to attend university, ought to have entitled me to some preference in admissions. But I am far from pleased, since this policy strikes at the heart of the principle of merit.He spoils his case by saying that he "ought" to be pleased by the new policy, but otherwise gives good reasons why this policy will cause harm.
Jim Gallagher supports the new rules:
As a first-year student at the University of Edinburgh, I think the new admissions policy is fantastic and should be adopted by many other institutions.When and if Mr Gallagher graduates, I wonder what he would say if a potential employer refuses to hire him on the grounds that a non-graduate "could have done even better if educated to the same level" and is therefore more worthy of a job.
Entrepreneurial universities
Although Scotland has only 9 per cent of the UK population, it generates 14 per cent of spin-out companies from university departments, grants 15 per cent of business licences and files 11 per cent of patents.Furthermore:
" We already know that pound for pound we are significantly more efficient at turning university research into economic benefit than even the world-renowned American Ivy League universities, and this is further encouragement."This is good news. I wonder how much better things would be if our universities could operate completely free of political control.
Friday 7 March 2003
Parking chaos
Currently there are more than 10,000 permits for only 7000 spaces and there is no doubt that this causes a great deal of ill-feeling. Most residents would ask that the council revise this ratio.People who pay a fee for parking near their own homes have a 30% chance of being unable to find a space. We know what the Labour party would say if a private company operated such a scam. Ultimately, the solution is to privatise the road network
Thursday 6 March 2003
Depressing news
The only employment growth area is in the public sector, where 33 per cent of the working popu-lation is now employed (that is, every two private sector employees are supporting one public sector employee).Over 40% of men in Dundee are classified as long-term unemployed. I believe that the figure in Glasgow is over 20%. "Stalin's Granny" is proud that the public sector is thriving. Doesn't she realise that Scotland's huge public sector is the cause of our low growth economic rate? Of course not. The Scotsman today tells us that only eight out of 129 MSPs have any business experience. It's all too depressing.
Gordon gets a new date
Alex Salmond, the Scottish National Party’s leader at Westminster, told MPs that moving the statement to 9 April would be an abuse of democracy as it will fall during the campaign for the Scottish Parliament.The Tories think that the reason for the delay is to "bury the statement by delivering it a day before parliament breaks up for Easter".
But the SNP has a different angle. Delaying the budget:
is a cynical ploy at best, an abuse of democracy at worst, designed to give Labour an unfair political advantage during the elections for the Scottish Parliament.I rather agree with Alf Young's analysis. The Nationalists are afraid that the budget will be given in the aftermath of an Allied victory in Iraq and a few weeks before the Scottish elections. By opposing the Kosovo bombing, the SNP lost votes in the first election for the Scottish parliament. To make the same mistake twice would look like carelessness. Of course, we don't yet know if they have made a mistake.
Wednesday 5 March 2003
Clever stuff
Tuesday 4 March 2003
Can you afford to be green?
"Social enterprise." Isn't that the sort of thing that socialists and communists are always going on about? I think it is. How wonderful to note that Mr Corbett lives in Ann Street, and as we all know:
Particularly famous is Ann Street, which the poet Sir John Betjeman claimed was "the most attractive street in Britain" and which is now one of Edinburgh's most exclusive addresses.This reminds me of the Socialist Party of Great Britain who used to assure me at Speakers' Corner in London that, once socialism had been achieved, anyone could have a Rolls Royce at no cost.
I'll settle for that house in Ann Street.
Spend, spend, spend
AN INDEPENDENT public sector watchdog has been urged to conduct a full investigation into the financial management of Scottish Enterprise, the troubled economic development agency.But what are required are the abolition of Scottish Enterprise (sic) and the return of money to the taxpayer, in particular by reducing business taxes. That way lays real enterprise.Annabel Goldie, the deputy leader of the Scottish Tories and their economy spokeswoman, wants an inquiry to be carried out by Robert Black, the Auditor General for Scotland.
Ms Goldie said: "I am very concerned about the recent media disclosures concerning Scottish Enterprise alleging slippage of programmes, laxity of management and unexpectedly high levels of consultancy fees."
More on "fiscal freedom"
William Frame, a 44-year-old benefactor of the Conservative party and prominent Edinburgh property developer, called for a full debate on fiscal autonomy for Scotland and claimed the present system was a failure.The Scottish parliament must be responsible for collecting as well as spending money. This policy is being promoted by the nationalists but I would like to see it adopted by the Scottish Conservatives. They have their spring conference in Glasgow on Friday - a good opportunity to embrace a policy that would force politicians to be less spendthrift.He described Scotland's economic performance as "pathetic" and said: "We have a system where all we are doing is waiting for out bit of cake from Westminster. They give us money and we decide how to spend it. There must be a better way for Scotland spending what we get
Monday 3 March 2003
Including the "wrong" sort of visitor
The dropping of admission charges, a key plank of Labour’s social inclusion agenda, has brought many more people through museum doors, but most are from middle and upper socio-economic groups, according to the Association of Leading Visitor Attractions.Well, there's a surprise. Labour thinks that the "working classes" can be "included" by providing them with free access to culture. Of course, it's actually the other way round: those who are interested in museums and culture are no longer "working class". Needless to say, I am using the term "class" in the way the Labour party does. A correct usage would ascribe the term "working class" to all who earn their living in the free market and "exploiting class" to those who live at the expense of the taxpayer.But yesterday it was claimed that many of the new visitors were the very people who could afford to pay. "Although it’s good to see such increases in visitor numbers, it’s disappointing not to see a good social mix," said visitor association director Robin Broke.
The power to tax
Sunday 2 March 2003
Own goal
A CONFIDENTIAL Labour document admits the SNP’s economic message is "clearer, stronger and more consistent" than its own, Scotland on Sunday can reveal.....The stark warning by Judith Begg, a former election candidate who worked with Wendy Alexander while enterprise minister, highlights deep anxiety in Labour circles as the party prepares for the May 1 contestThis couldn't possibly be the same Judith Begg who has about two letters a week published in the Scotsman attacking the SNP's economic policy and praising that of Labour, could it? I rather think that it is. Presumably her word processor will be on hold for a week or two.
Edinburgh favoured over Glasgow?
There are calls for Glasgow to get a better deal than it receives under the current arrangements:
Currently, although 30% of the one million items in Glasgow's collection are of international importance, the council receives no direct contribution from government towards its annual £17m running costs. By contrast, the national museums, galleries and libraries in Edinburgh receive more than £30m.Privatise the lot, I say. But in the meantime I agree that Glasgow is being treated unfairly and, yes, I am writing from Edinburgh!The nine most popular of Glasgow's museums also attract two million visitors each year -- 800,000 from overseas -- while the Edinburgh nationals attract fewer than 500,000.
Another useful idiot
... by demonising him we risk becoming complacent about the West's own crimes against humanityWe in the West are guilty, proclaims Burnett:
Terrible as Stalin was, his demonisation risks blunting our understanding of 20th century history. At worst, it can result in life under the tsars being regarded as some kind of lost golden age. Moreover, it risks making us complacent about the historical struggle for liberty and justice in our own society. .Well, compared to the Soviet Union, life under the tsars was a golden age. Liberty and justice "in our own society" came by reducing the power of the state, not by expanding it. But people like Burnett will never learn that lesson.