Thursday 17 September 2009

Posts, or rather the lack of them!

I have a big project going on at the moment. Blogging will resume ASAP.

1 comment:

David Farrer said...

Comments made on previous template:

Colin Finlay
Brown-bashers 'of no real consequence' will doubtless provide many of the votes that rid UK of his baneful Christian/Leftist presence.

3 October 2009, 00:46:18 GMT+01:00
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So, only talented people earn £150,000? Or every single talented and enterprising blogger earns £150,000, without exception? 
Is this a magical number? Is someone earning £149,000 untalented? Or are you just another dreary Brown-basher of no real consequence, Colin?

2 October 2009, 20:14:04 GMT+01:00
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Colin Finlay
Think how much harder you will have to work come April '10 when the Great Leveller Brown's 50% Income Tax afflicts all bloggers of talent and enterprise.

25 September 2009, 09:10:35 GMT+01:00