Saturday 20 August 2011

Full House

We rounded off Saturday evening with Alexander McCall Smith at an event chaired by Al Senter. It is quite impossible to recall precisely what happens at these events. McCall Smith talks about this and that, the audience laughs, more anecdotes, louder laughter, and before you know it the hour is up and we're looking forward to the next time by which time he'll probably have written another dozen best sellers.

1 comment:

David Farrer said...

Comment made on previous template:

Colin Finlay
AMS is Scotland's answer to England's late creator of Rumpole, John Mortimer.  
The non - religious morality,  almost self - consciously devoid of all its founding Middle - Eastern, Supernatural references, combined with a benign and smiling tolerance exhibited only by people devoid of political convictions related to the future of their own ethnic group ,provide us with the stereotypical liberal "intellectual'' world view.  
 That said, I have enjoyed the work of both John Mortimer and AMS.

27 August 2011, 09:58:44 GMT+01:00