Friday 23 May 2008

Shocking result in Crewe

Not that the Tories won of course. Voting for Mr Timpson was the obvious thing to do to get Labour out.

No, what's shocking is that 30% of the voters still vote for the Labour Party despite ten long years of economic sabotage and - even more frightening - ten long years of relentless attacks on our civil liberties. I know that 25% or so work for the state. Who on earth are the other 5%? I suppose they're on welfare. Can anyone who's a net taxpayer still vote Labour?


David Farrer said...

Comments made on previous template:

I notice that you do not answer of the challenges that you have been presented with. This indicare an acute lack of confience in your position, most likely born of ignorance.  
I await the proof of your earlier contentions.

27 May 2008, 11:24:20 GMT+01:00
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Martin. Stupid seems to be one of your favourite words.  
Read "The death of Democracy" by Hans Hoppe. Socialist brain washing along the lines of Gramsci and Co still prevails it seems. 
To reiterate, truth is indestructable.

27 May 2008, 09:13:15 GMT+01:00
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Another stupid comment. 
Democracy is the saftey valve against tyranny. I think you might have noticed from the Crew bye-election that they party allegedly most attached to individual liberty on a crushing victory over the agents of redistribution.  
You write of British history since the introuction of unversal suffrage showing 'the impossibility of social progress'; this makes no sense. Do you mean progress in the case pf going forward, or progress in the sense of 'progressive'? If the former, I challenge you to tell me just how the Combination Acts and the Poor Law Amendement Act aided progress; if the latter, I give you the NHS.  
And that's a dumb screen name. Antipas was a tyrant, and Agrippa delusional.

27 May 2008, 08:55:39 GMT+01:00
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There is of course a fatal flaw in democracy. The "have-nots" will always vote to take everything away from the "haves". To follow the democratic course in the UK since the introduction of universal sufferage is to see the impossibility of social progress, and the destruction of our culture and religion. Democracy only sees as far as the next election. 
Outrage, the conditioned response to such ideas, will not destroy the truth.

26 May 2008, 16:38:52 GMT+01:00
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The first portion of your last comment makes no sense. Expand upon it.

24 May 2008, 19:13:27 GMT+01:00
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you and people like you do are just another voice in the crowd ... which is your problem, not mine 
I have found that those who espouse this principle are quite happy with it until they find themselves in the minority position. 
I bet you love gobbing off to call-centre workers 
How strange. Why would I want to do that?

24 May 2008, 09:15:10 GMT+01:00
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I don't have a problem with that, but then I am one of those people who think that taxation is morally equivalent to robbery. 
You might not hve a problem with that - I do, and your ignorance of evcenm the mildest form of civics, the recognition that you and people like you do are just another voice in the crowd, seems to escape you; which is your problem, not mine. God, I bet you love gobbing off to call-centre workers. 
Just another rabid British egotist.

24 May 2008, 05:46:41 GMT+01:00
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Gordon Brown is too thick to understand that most English people hate his collectivist, Scottish Christian Left vision as much as they hate Bushy's American Christian Right one.

24 May 2008, 05:03:07 GMT+01:00
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Reluctant Hero
30% will be nothing compared to the amount of numpties up here that'll vote for them.

23 May 2008, 21:41:15 GMT+01:00
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David Farrer said...

Comments made on previous template:

...absolutely uncivic... 
I suspect that when most people read the original comment or have it repeated to them they hear "only rich [=wicked] people should be allowed to vote." In fact, under such a system many people on low wages (e.g. waiters) would get the vote and many far more highly paid people (e.g. MPs would not).  
I don't have a problem with that, but then I am one of those people who think that taxation is morally equivalent to robbery.

23 May 2008, 21:11:52 GMT+01:00
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The fact that it's 'in line with British history' up to 1832' is neither here nor there. It's a stupid thing to say, and should be called out as such.

23 May 2008, 19:46:22 GMT+01:00
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john b
Well, it's broadly in line with British history up to 1832; perhaps he's a old-school Tory...

23 May 2008, 17:37:07 GMT+01:00
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"Only net texpayers should have the right to vote." 
That's a completely absurd, stupid thing to write, absolutely uncivic and entirely against the run of British history. 
Who do think you are even to suggest such a thing?

23 May 2008, 16:13:46 GMT+01:00
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Only net texpayers should have the right to vote.

23 May 2008, 12:52:10 GMT+01:00
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Public sector workers

23 May 2008, 12:15:13 GMT+01:00