Wednesday 11 June 2008

Bought and Sold for British Gold

Sic a parcel of rogues in a province.

I used to be quite proud of the fact that the British governments of all parties would stand by the Unionists of Northern Ireland. Especially as it seems likely that most mainlanders feel no kinship with the people of the Province.

Today the DUP has stabbed us in the back.

I now say: to hell with them; kick Northern Ireland out of the Union. The UK's probably going to break up anyway. Let's start the process by expressing our outrage at this sell-out of Britain's traditional liberties.


David Farrer said...

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Man in a Shed
OK Brown won the vote mostly on the back of Labour jobsworth MPs. 
The DUP's mistake has been to side with a lame duck prime minster in return for whatever he offered. 
Its going to be impossible for them to make arguments of principle with the new Conservative government, and that will cost them far more than they have gained from Mr Brown. 
They have also helped undermine support for NI as part of the Union in the wider country - a bit of a massive home goal.

17 June 2008, 09:22:06 GMT+01:00
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The DUP's share of the vote was just under 35%, as was Labour's: 
I don't make excuses for the DUP, but there has been a distinct wave of hypocrisy over this, Brown did not win this vote on their back alone.

17 June 2008, 05:53:56 GMT+01:00
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David B. Wildgoose
22% of the electorate overall voted Labour - and that's including Wales and Scotland so the percentage is even lower in England where the Tories recorded more votes. 
And don't make excuses for the DUP. Northern Ireland doesn't have a large aggressive Moslem population - England has. And Internment was a disaster last time so why are the DUP imposing it on us?

16 June 2008, 21:50:38 GMT+01:00
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I am my vitriol at the DUP. If the people of Northern Ireland keep supporting them then they should not be surprised when they have no friends left 
35% of the electorate in Northern Ireland voted for the DUP at the last Westminster election. 
What % of vote did Labour secure in England?  
If you're really on the hunt for traitors to the cause of liberty and freedom, then you perhaps need to start looking a bit closer to home.

16 June 2008, 13:43:15 GMT+01:00
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David Farrer said...

Comments made on previous template:

Man in a Shed
This is close to my initial reaction also, but then I remember our debts run up in the Battle of the Somme and other places and the stoical and truly heroic (a term over used these days) courage of men and women who served in the RUC and UDR. This makes these things harder. 
I am my vitriol at the DUP. If the people of Northern Ireland keep supporting them then they should not be surprised when they have no friends left. 
There is no advantage to the English of being part of the government of Northern Ireland, we do it out of a sense of duty. If that duty isn't reciprocated even by the Unionists then the question will be asked - what's the point ? Economically dumping NI is a no brainer.

16 June 2008, 09:05:44 GMT+01:00
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Badly worded I admit- I meant that I doubted you'd bother to look a bit further into Unionist responses to this; you were assuming that we all follow sheep-like the Dupe and government line on 42 days. 
Good luck with the election anyway.

14 June 2008, 17:56:00 GMT+01:00
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David Farrer
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I suspect your own attitude towards anti-terrorism is moulded by not quite the same experiences suffered by the DUPes 
Not quite the same I agree. But I had several very close escapes when I lived and worked in London. 
On the Davis election, as Finance Director of the Libertarian Alliance I was asked yesterday lunchtime to approve this decision. Naturally I agreed immediately, and, subject to work, I expect to travel the 200 miles down to Yorkshire to help DD.

14 June 2008, 07:30:12 GMT+01:00
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now say: to hell with them; kick Northern Ireland out of the Union. 
Fortunately whether we remain in NI will be up to the people of Northern Ireland to decide, not you. 
The amount of bribing, blackmailing that went on Wednesday was despicable, but it was not solely the DUPes who were the culprits and even if the bribes had not emerged, then I suspect you still would have got them voting for 42 days. 
You see, unlike you and the vast majority of those who criticise them on the mainland, their attitudes have been moulded by 35 odd years of checking under their cars every day for booby traps, burying friends shot in the back or blown to piece by the republican death squads.  
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I suspect your own attitude towards anti-terrorism is moulded by not quite the same experiences suffered by the DUPes and you know what,with one or two very few honourable exceptions it was our supposed allies in the Conservative and Unionist party who were prepared to sell us down the river to those who were waging the war against our kith and kin.  
So, in a nutshell, we owe absolutely f-all squared to that shower. 
I and many other Unionists in NI happen to believe the DUPes were wrong and are embarrassed by the blatant horse-trading. 
But in your hatred of Brown (justified) you have put us all into the same box and tarred us with the same brush. If you bother to look at bit further than your sanctimonious “M 
ore British than thou attitude” you’ll see that three Ulster Unionist peers have offered to help David Davis in his election. I doubt you will though.

13 June 2008, 19:29:00 GMT+01:00
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Alastair Maxwell
The time-homoured British liberties which you seek to defend were intended for Aryan people and as such, Whites should be exempt from any law which mandates detention without trial. Internal foreigners such as Muslims holding UK-issued travel documents or right of abode are quite another matter and we must do what we can to defend ourselves.

13 June 2008, 07:39:53 GMT+01:00
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Sam Duncan
My feelings (almost) exactly. Hey... if they want detention for six weeks without charge, how about we start with them?

11 June 2008, 23:40:07 GMT+01:00