Tuesday 17 August 2010

Edinburgh International Book Festival

We went to our first event on Sunday morning. Ferdinand Mount was talking about his new book:
Full Circle: How the Classical World Came Back to Us, is a quietly passionate account of how our modern mindsets and practices are much closer to those of the ancient Greeks and Romans than we might realise.

An enjoyable session. Mrs F&W had already started the book and I expect to read it soon.

Time ran out before I could ask my planned question: "Your ex-boss, Mrs Thatcher, was both a scientist and a war leader. Would she have been more at home in ancient Greece or ancient Rome?"

1 comment:

David Farrer said...

Comment made on previous template:

Colin Finlay
Mount may have conveniently overlooked the most important difficulty faced by every nation, viz., the tipping point numbers of racially alien immigrants. 
 Even in the time of that great Roman satirist, Juvenal, Rome had, ethnically, ceased to be Rome as we know from the famous "anti - Syrian" quote, "The mud that was drawed out of the Tigris has polluted the Tiber"

19 August 2010, 13:19:14 GMT+01:00