Thursday 2 March 2006

Sad news

I regret to announce that Harry Browne has died. Harry was one of the people who converted me to libertarianism. I still recall my first reading of How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World well over twenty years ago. At a time when I didn't have too much money I ordered a hardcover copy to be sent by airmail from the US when the book first came out. Harry's writings on economics led me to more intensive studies that are still paying off financially to this day. Browne was presidential candidate for the Libertarian Party in 1996 and 2000.

1 comment:

David Farrer said...

Comments made on previous template:

David Farrer
Yes, he got it wrong more recently on international affairs but his economic writings stand the test of time.

2 March 2006, 21:08:13 GMT
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Robert Speirs
I agree Browne was a great inspiration, at least in his early days, although I do not understand his total unwillingness to defend freedom from obvious barbarian enemies. He certainly took a clear and consistent stand in favor of individual liberty, though, if somewhat to the pessimistic side. He also did resist the slide into outright nihilism, retaining his faith in reason.

2 March 2006, 20:48:06 GMT