Sunday 9 January 2005

Out in the sticks

Working in the centre of Edinburgh is delightful. We have views like this:

And a wealth of cultural attractions:

I have absolutely no desire to work in one of those purpose-built, out-of-town office developments. But I must give some credit to the Royal Bank for retaining its head office in Edinburgh, even if it's new location is a tad too rural for my liking. Fortunately the Royal's project has been managed just a little bit better than another Edinburgh construction job:

Gogarburn, designed by Scottish architects Michael Laird and London firm RHWL, is certainly the biggest development in Scotland since the parliament project in Holyrood. But unlike the parliament, it will be delivered on budget and ahead of time. More than 84 acres - the equivalent of 50 football pitches - have been landscaped and will provide a tranquil backdrop to 1 million sq ft of offices arranged in a series of buildings that will provide a base for a company with ambitions to grow beyond its status as the world’s sixth-biggest bank.
This story does make me wonder why anyone trusts politicians to make endless rules for the governance of financial institutions. So well done the Royal, but I can't help thinking that an on-site replica of the Oxford Bar would do more for staff morale than a "hairdresser, supermarket, chemist, florist and coffee shop."

1 comment:

David Farrer said...

Comments made on previous template:

Stuart Dickson
-"They would be unlikely to be interested because they are anti-Europe." 
Just as well, because after reading their policies on their website I can tell you that the EFA would not have them.

19 January 2005, 13:59:56 GMT
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Gareth Young
Stuart, I can assure you that I have never done any anti-immigrant campaigning. The CEP is a single issue campaign, nothing whatsoever to do with immigration. It is CEP policy not to endorse any political party because we feel that the English dimension to the UK constitution is a cross party issue. 
The EDP is a separate organisation of which I am not part. They would be unlikely to be interested because they are anti-Europe.

19 January 2005, 10:50:28 GMT
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Stuart Dickson
Whoops...wrong item! Still getting the hand of this HTML malarky. I'll be teaching the evening class myself by Tuesday. All you need to do is keep one page ahead of the students, apparently. 
Correct link:

17 January 2005, 08:09:12 GMT
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Stuart Dickson
I'm a man as good as my word:

17 January 2005, 08:05:29 GMT
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Stuart Dickson
Hand up. That was me. Sorry. 
As recompense I am going to signpost your excellent telephone conversation: 
Would the Campaign for an English Parliament or English Democrats' Party ever consider joining the European Free Alliance? We welcome downtrodden minorities who aspire to future self-government. Of course, you would have to drop the anti-immigrant campaigning.

16 January 2005, 20:51:36 GMT
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Apologies David. 
You're not a smart-arse

16 January 2005, 17:41:38 GMT
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David Farrer
'I have absolutely no desire to work in one of those purpose-built, out-of-town office developments.' 
That was written by me. The reply was from Stuart.

15 January 2005, 18:19:29 GMT
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Gareth Young
I was simply commenting on your 'I have absolutely no desire to work in one of those purpose-built, out-of-town office developments.' 
I never mentioned Gogarburn (you did), so don't be a smart arse!

14 January 2005, 13:30:03 GMT
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-"I lived in Edinburgh for five years ..." 
Not long enough to learn any local geography then? Last I knew Gogarburn was just to the west of the burgh, barely outside the ring-road, and The Bush way to the south, many kilometres away. Quite different environments and surroundings.

14 January 2005, 06:31:53 GMT
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Gareth Young
I lived in Edinburgh for five years whilst working at the Bush Loan Research Park, nr Penicuik. 
I can assure you it's not that bad, I quite enjoyed getting out the city, and I didn't have to use the bypass just the 701 or 702. Glad I moved before the congestion charging.

13 January 2005, 12:15:59 GMT