Wednesday 12 December 2007

Still here

James asks: Anyone home?

Yes, I'm still here but very busy.

When I moved back to Scotland I thought that I'd take things easy and enjoy the benefits of downsizing. But instead of having one job I now find myself with three.

Anyway, after the pre-Christmas rush, I hope to get back into normal blogging mode real soon.

In the meantime here are a couple of photos taken with my ancient Yashica 124G film camera that's once again come out of retirement. One was taken at Crail Harbour and the other in Edinburgh last Saturday. At least I think it was on Saturday but as it's not on digital you won't be able to catch me out if I got the day wrong!

Originally uploaded by David Farrer

Playfair Steps Edinburgh
Originally uploaded by David Farrer

A few more from the big camera are over here.

1 comment:

David Farrer said...

Comments made on previous template:

David Farrer

It doesn't seem that long ago when someone first showed me the Internet. I wondered what possible use it could be to me!
14 December 2007, 20:09:03 GMT – Like – Reply

That's so exotic, Dave. isn't it amazing that we can instantly communicate from different corners of the world?
14 December 2007, 08:35:53 GMT