Morton said he could not understand why the national station of Scotland covers so many London events, when it could speak more with a "Scottish voice". He told The Herald: "It has always puzzled me that ... it should be so deferential to London."Most Scots think that the BBC just doesn't understand that the UK consists of four distinct entities, each with its own culture and now governed in different ways. The belief that the BBC is really English is one of the main driving-forces behind Scottish nationalism. But as Brian Morton says, the BBC is actually biased towards London rather than England. The centralisation of so much of British life in London is why our chaotic transport system never gets fixed, it's the cause of the North-South divide in the housing and job markets and it's something that no politician considers worthy of attention.
A libertarian returns to Scotland
"Freedom and Whisky gang thegither"
- Robert Burns
Thursday 20 February 2003
Radio Scotland's arts presenter has resigned and complains that the station has a "London bias":