Monday 26 January 2004

Another day, another contradiction

Back in July I wrote about the contradictions introduced by the Land Reform legislation:
Directors of Network Rail are understandably concerned about the possibility of facing charges of corporate manslaughter in the event of someone being killed or injured while wandering on the railway. Meanwhile, the Scottish government has legislated in favour of a right to trespass roam, including, presumably, across railway tracks.
The problem hasn't gone away:
The escalating argument over the threatened closure of hundreds of public footpaths across railway lines has landed on ministers’ desks after a clash between a government environmental agency and a rail company.

Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and Network Rail have fallen out over the advice walkers should be given on crossing railways.

The Railway is maintaining its stance:
Network Rail’s position, however, was backed by Her Majesty’s Railway Inspectorate (HMRI), part of the government’s Health and Safety Executive. “There is no ‘right to roam’ on railway lines, including over private level crossings,” said a spokeswoman.
I wonder if that is the legal position in Scotland. It probably is the case in England. Of course, there shouldn't be any "right to roam" over anyone's property. The Marxists used to talk about the "contradictions" of capitalism. There aren't any of course, but Scottish socialism is a veritable showcase of contradictions.