Tuesday 4 October 2005

As requested by Andrew Duffin

View of the main collection:

(CLICK to enlarge)

Originally uploaded by David Farrer.

A close-up:

Originally uploaded by David Farrer.

Another close-up:

Originally uploaded by David Farrer.

This last one was uploaded from my Desktop without being first posted on to Flickr.

1 comment:

David Farrer said...

Comment made on previous template:

David Farrer
Dave T: ASAP! 
David: the Davies book on Europe is in the in-pile.

6 October 2005, 16:31:59 GMT+01:00
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David Farrer
Gentlemen. Sorry for the delayed reply. 
Donald: I've read all of them. 7 more are in my in-pile. 
Kenny: The pictures show part of the political/economic/history section. There are also smaller sections on Scotland, photography, reference, transport, business and fiction. I found a copy of Plato in my wife's collection! At the moment I am reading "Antony" by Allan Massie and have just finished his "Caesar". The "Capitalism for Kids" is a genuine title!

6 October 2005, 16:30:43 GMT+01:00
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David Rossie
"The Isles" by Norman Davies is a great work, as is his history of Europe 
And that's not to mention the other good books you have shown!

5 October 2005, 21:26:18 GMT+01:00
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dave t
Already showed my hovel way back ! 
Some interesting literature there on your shelves....'Revolution'? Yes! When? When?

4 October 2005, 22:37:19 GMT+01:00
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Kenny McCormack
I was impressed when I thought I spied a poetry book, I thought it said "The Poetry of........", but I couldn't make out the name of the poet. So I enlarged, curious to see what poet Mr Farrer has on his shelves, but when it was enlarged I seen that it actually said "The Poverty of Communism"! 
I suppose its better that 'The Poetry of Red Clydeside' that was sort of popular in the late 1940's/early 1950's. When I say popular I don't mean anybody except a few acadmic types like Hamish Henderson were interested in it. 
However Mr Farrer, why do you have no editions of the classics? Why no Plato's Republic, or Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics? Indeed I couldn't spot Adam Smiths Wealth of Nations (though I know you can't see everything). There is no Homer or Dante either. 
Btw - that book 'Capitalism for Kids', genuine or ironic title? 
Also like the prominence you give to the Black Book of Communism

4 October 2005, 19:40:02 GMT+01:00
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Donald McCampbell
Before we compliment you on your choice of reading material you'd better tell us if you've read them all, or are some planted there to impress us?

4 October 2005, 17:23:19 GMT+01:00