Sunday 26 April 2009

Time for a new Job?

I'm not actually looking but couldn't help noticing some items in today's Sunday Times Appointments Section.

First I saw that the Wales Millennium Centre is "now seeking a new chair". Why is that in the jobs section? Should I direct them to IKEA?

And then there's this: Natural England needs a chair too. And the new "Director of the English Beef and Lamb Sector" will need to "support the Chair". Is it shoogly? Shouldn't he be milking the cows and shearing the sheep?

Then I could be working for Peter Mandelson as a "Non-Executive Member of the Council of the Competition Commission". Why not just scrap most government activities? That'll do wonders for competition.

If anyone's interested in drugs, perhaps the position of "Director for Wales of the Royal Pharmaceutical Council of Great Britain" may suit. Or if you don't fancy Wales (or the sheep) how about "Chief Executive of the Future of Pharmacy Professional Regulation"?

I like trains and am rather tempted by the job of "Managing Director of London Underground". Cleverly, they require someone with a "track record". No mention of a travel pass though ...

On balance I 'll settle for "Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge".

The University "values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity".

Good, I'll be moving the Vice-Chancellor's office to the public bar of the Queen's Head.

1 comment:

David Farrer said...

Comment made on previous template:

Colin Finlay
The inclusion of the weasel word 'diversity' really means that the University of Cambridge supports the pathologizing of the legitimate Ethnic/Genetic Interests of indigenous Britons while simultaneously promoting, assiduously, the E/GI of non-White 'Britons'. 
Up until about 1875 one couldnt 'go up' to Cambridge unless one was a C of E adherent. Oh Tempora, Oh Mores.

8 May 2009, 08:48:49 GMT+01:00