Monday, 16 June 2003

A noble proposal

Reader William Brown has drawn my attention to a proposal to create the title of Baron of Gigha. The residents of Gigha have to repay the Scottish Land Fund £1m against the £3.5m given (by the taxpayer) to acquire the island:
The islanders of Gigha are willing to create a new baron, if they can find someone harbouring seigneurial aspirations and willing to pay well above £600,000.

The title Baron of Gigha goes with Achamore House, the former laird's home, and the islanders will throw in an uninhabited island as well.

Mr Brown rightfully suggests that the islanders should also sell the famous gardens to repay even more debt. I agree; it is shameful that taxpayers were made to fork out to enable the residents to acquire Gigha. We should get back as much as we can.

On second thoughts, though, I have an alternative plan. Why not write off the islanders' debt. Give the barony to Tony Blair. Let our "right honourable friend" retire to enjoy the tranquillity of the Inner Hebrides, be respected as Baron of Gigha and escape once and for all from his troublesome neighbour. The rest of us will be able to thank our lucky stars that he didn't become President of Europe.