Sunday 12 February 2006

Now, they're getting it!

Up here in Scotland the BBC is concerned about possible bias:
Wark was subjected to long-term behind-the-scenes scrutiny by her own managers, a team of broadcast executives, who checked out her performance on air for anything which might give rise to accusations of bias.
Let's think about this. Is the Beeb concerned that Ms Wark could be a secret admirer of David Cameron? Was she seen campaigning for the LibDems in Dunfermline? Is she thought to be a closet Nat?

None of the above, I'm afraid:

Concerned corporation governors put Wark under "review" amid fears that her relationship with the First Minister, together with her closeness to former Labour leader Donald Dewar and her role in the Holyrood parliament building, could be damaging to the image of the BBC as an impartial broadcaster.
Labour! Who'd have thought it?

1 comment:

David Farrer said...

Comments made on previous template:

Neil Craig
& George Reid was an STV presenter & Bernard Ponsonby stood for the Lib Dems (in Govan where the name did not go over well) before their current jobs.  
& David Cameron was a suit at Carleton (not on screen but not neccessarily less influential for that) whereas Michael portillo is moving the othere way. 
There is a very good case for saying that the media is institutionaly biased towards a non-party establihment view (pro global warming, pro bombing people the EU hates but not the Americans, pro EU, anti-technology, pro nanny state, anti suggesting we can learn anything from foreigners, anti free market, pro regulation). 
There is an even better one for saying that Kirsty should not have let herself be flattered into putting her name to Dewar's plans. 
However I do not believe that the suggestion that she is going to display a bias towards Jack is anything but a distraction.

16 February 2006, 16:18:47 GMT
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O wad some pow'r...

12 February 2006, 20:13:20 GMT
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I notice that it is the English division of the BBC that is concerned about oor Kursti. Not surprising really, we in Scotland sometimes forget that the pot-bellied Lanarkshire cooncillors distributing largesse to cronies is largely Caledonian phenomenon, it is a sign of wee Kursti's Scottish Establishment complacency that she doesn't even bother to exercise discretion in these matters. 
Take wee Kursti's part in the Holyrood farce. What was her chief qualification to sit on the five-strong panel that awarded the Holyrood contract? Oh she was a long time chum of the Socialist First Minister Donald Three Millions.  
And what about the £820,000 her company Wark-Clements got for the Holyrood documentary? Please, this is socialist Scotland don't you know! :lol:

12 February 2006, 11:50:18 GMT
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Bill (Scotland)
Or indeed, who'd have not thunk it!

12 February 2006, 11:19:57 GMT