Sunday 26 March 2006

Power struggle

A few months ago the City Council sent me details of a property development that's planned about half a mile from here. Under the planning laws those who may be affected have the right to have their say. I couldn't see any way in which the development in question could possibly impact on my property. But last Wednesday this thing appeared opposite my kitchen window:

Originally uploaded by David Farrer.

I've got quite used to the windmill now - it makes no noise and it's facscinating to see just how often the wind direction changes. But I wonder why the neighbours weren't consulted considering that we were asked about new homes being constructed half a mile away. I presume that it's all to do with the green cult - we can't go questioning that, can we? Anyway, I'm just informing anyone who's in the neighbourhood that I'm performing a limited test of my own home-built nuclear generator some time next week. It's only fair to let you know.


David Farrer said...

Comments made on previous template:

Neil Craig
i accept I was engaging in to much hyperbole & I would also accept that environmental nuisance is a genuine problem which probably does need government rule if we are to avoid the sort of oppressive lawyerism they have in the us, or indeed 2 armed homeowners defending their right. Still before the Town Planning & Town & Country Planning Acts we did have something which, by current standards was a fair approxiamation to fredom to build.

7 April 2006, 17:27:52 GMT+01:00
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Harry Powell
"What is "the environment" anyway? Everything? Then it is nothing in particular." 
I had thought it was fairly obvious we were discussing the built environment. Apparently it wasn't. 
"The best "environmental control" is an armed homeowner. " 
How reassuring to know all property disputes can be resolved at the point of a gun. Fuzzy thinking indeed...

29 March 2006, 15:39:51 GMT+01:00
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If you hide your mini-nuke in your compost heap, They can't detect it even by infra-red.

28 March 2006, 22:56:37 GMT+01:00
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Robert Speirs
The best "environmental control" is an armed homeowner. What is "the environment" anyway? Everything? Then it is nothing in particular. Fuzzy thinking comes from fuzzy ideas.

28 March 2006, 21:42:03 GMT+01:00
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The Blind-Winger
This is just the kind of thing old Reg The Hedge would thoroughly approve of. If only he was around to see it !

28 March 2006, 11:45:50 GMT+01:00
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Wild Pegasus
The common law of property includes the law of nuisance, a right to quiet and peaceable enjoyment of one's property. I think that precludes things like practicing your machine gun fire at 3:00 am. 
- Josh

28 March 2006, 01:22:08 GMT+01:00
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Harry Powell
"Very much like Great Britain before the Town & Country Planning Act of 1947" 
So including the Town Planning Acts of 1909, 1919, 1925, and 1932, then? Ending the nationalisation of the right to development is one thing, but doing away with all enviromental controls is quite another. Or is that not the anarchist position?

27 March 2006, 20:35:01 GMT+01:00
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David Farrer said...

Neil Craig
" explain to me how a world without planning controls works" 
Very much like Great Britain before the Town & Country Planning Act of 1947 
Actually that windmill looks rather neat & so long as it isn't noisy & so long as there aren't thousands of them, could be quite atttractive. I suspect your neighbour got a grant for about half the cost, which still doesn't bring it close to being economic.

27 March 2006, 19:13:53 GMT+01:00
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Harry Powell
It seems to me that common law principles are rather weak when it comes to dealing with the negative externalities of other people's unilateral planning decisions. Neither nuisance or ancient lights have, as far as I know, been successfully brought to bear on the problem of leylandii, for example. Anarcho-capitalists and common law fundementalists will have to explain to me how a world without planning controls works, becuase I have to admit I'm stuggling with that one.

27 March 2006, 14:24:23 GMT+01:00
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Andrew Duffin
It probably doesn't need any planning permission. Hence, no "neighbour notification". 
Why worry anyway, us libertarians don't believe in planning, do we? 
btw you can get a good laugh out of it too - the thing costs over a grand (see comment above) and might pay for itself in, oh I don't know, about thirty or forty years.  
Unless you count the interest that could have been earned by simply putting the money in a bank... 
Better value, at least, for you and me than all those ginormous ones currently infesting the Ayrshire hills, to the great enrichment of the landowners, installers, and manufacturers (mostly foreign) and the relative impoverishment of the rest of us.

27 March 2006, 12:32:57 GMT+01:00
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It probably wasn't your point to advertise these, but this reminded me to look into them since I live on the coast (lots of wind here). 
Only problem is they cost about two grand before installation. I'll look again if one day you can pick up self-install kits for £99 in B&Q. 
Maybe if I wasn't already forced to pay subsidies to big energy projects one of these would be more attractive.

27 March 2006, 11:27:49 GMT+01:00