Saturday 11 August 2007

It's started

I went for my first trip to the Book Festival this morning. Oops, wrong link - that was afterwards...

Here's the real link.

I heard William Dalrymple give a fascinating talk on India - a theme of this year's Festival. (It's 60 years since independence.) General impression: knows his stuff, should be worth reading, but I was annoyed by the anti western digs that rather spoiled the talk. He spoke for 1 hour and five minutes. Speakers are meant to stop and allow questions from the audience all within the one-hour time slot. I suppose good timekeeping is some kind of outmoded "western" concept. Chairman Linklater should have kept control.

1 comment:

David Farrer said...

Comments made on previous template:

David Farrer
There is an XML feed that works if you use Bloglines. I had a look at the Blogger template and that seems to be the only option. 42 people subscribe that way.

13 August 2007, 16:28:36 GMT+01:00
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On a totally unrelated subject, do you think you could add an RSS feeder to your blog? It would make it much easier for me to keep up with new posts and updates. 

12 August 2007, 17:01:39 GMT+01:00