Tuesday 4 September 2007

Oh please

I've no objection to PR in principle, but why is so much of it nonsense?
A huge regeneration of Leith Docks featuring 16,000 new homes has been unveiled in the largest planning application in Edinburgh's history.

Forth Ports, which is behind the plans, hopes the 30 year project could create about 12,000 jobs and turn the city into a "world-class" destination.

Edinburgh is already a "world-class" destination. And when I read that "Parisian-style cafes feature heavily in the plans" for this new development, I want to throw up.

For starters one would have thought that local politicians and planners might have noticed that we don't enjoy Parisian weather. More to the point, one of the main reasons why we are already a "world-class" destination is that Edinburgh has a very large percentage of the world's finest pubs. So what does the Council intend doing about that?

Yep, destroy the character of those very same pubs:

and bars would be forced to provide seats for at least 50 per cent of drinkers.
Angry Steve gets it right and he's not the only one who's angry.

So few lampposts, so many traitors...

1 comment:

David Farrer said...

Comment made on previous template:

Angry Steve
I can only assume that the lack of comments means folk are agreeing with us. 
Cheers for the link

10 September 2007, 11:42:42 GMT+01:00