Monday 24 May 2004

No Logo

Why on earth has the Scottish Executive spent £300,000 researching a new Scottish logo? Note the standard NuLab response to criticism:
An Executive spokeswoman said it was looking at ways of changing how people perceive Scotland.

"Scotland’s traditional image is known and loved, but it is important that for Scotland to compete, we build on this image."

If the Executive wants to change "how people perceive Scotland" then they should stop wasting public money on boondoggles of this sort. Sadly, we're now known throughout the world for the vast overspend on the Holyrood project. There's nothing wrong with the traditional Scottish image of honesty, reliability and financial prudence. Don't let Labour ruin it.

1 comment:

David Farrer said...

Comments made on previous template:

David Farrer (
I once worked for a design company that produced corporate identities and suchlike. A large proportion of our fees were generated after (or during) the consumption of many pints of beer.

26 May 2004, 17:30:55 GMT+01:00
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Alex Bensky (
You have company. A few years back our city government blew $400,000 on a tourism slogan and came up with "It's a Great Time in Detroit." 
Give me an afternoon and a couple of pints of beer and I could have done just as well.

26 May 2004, 14:26:13 GMT+01:00
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ionicus (, 62.25)
But the wasting of public money is clearly very cleverly designed as a way of dispelling that old myth about Scottish parsimony...

24 May 2004, 22:17:26 GMT+01:00