Scottish National Party leaders are meeting to decide what action to take against the MSP Campbell Martin.Criticising the leader is what happens in real parties. The SNP leadership should ignore Mr Martin, not give him more publicity. Martin found out about his suspension when he heard a radio interview with John Swinney. That's lousy management, akin to firing someone by e-mail or text message. Perhaps Campbell Martin has a point about the Nationalist's "leader".Mr Martin, who has been sharply critical of John Swinney's leadership, is accused of acting against the interests of the party.
He has repeatedly called for Mr Swinney to be replaced as party leader.
As a consequence, he was suspended from duty and the party's national executive is considering the case against him at a disciplinary hearing in Edinburgh.
The party's executive could extend his suspension, expel him, rebuke him or dismiss the complaint altogether.
A libertarian returns to Scotland
"Freedom and Whisky gang thegither"
- Robert Burns
Saturday 8 May 2004
The SNP should grow up
I mean it's not like the guy has called for the re-establishment of the British Empire or demanded that Scottish football fans sing the praises of Jimmy Hill. Campbell Martin MSP has merely criticised his party's leader: