Monday 27 November 2006

New libertarian portal

I welcome the opening of Libertarian Home : aims to be the leading portal bringing together the libertarian movement. Published in London, its team keep readers up to date with the latest news and views. hopes to be the missing link between the millions of people who have libertarian-leaning views and the libertarian movement. Our aim is nothing short of a revival in libertarian thinking. recognises that libertarianism is a broad church. Whether David Hume is your cup of tea or you are a follower of Ayn Rand, this site is for you. The site is non-party and welcomes contributions from supporters of all parties, and those who take the view: "Don't vote - it only encourages them."

1 comment:

David Farrer said...

Comments made on previous template:

Alex Singleton
Cheers for the plug. I'll make sure F&W gets added to LibertarianHome's "launchpad".

28 November 2006, 15:51:00 GMT
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Blognor Regis
There's also this useful agregator, Libertarian Blog Place. It's well worth sticking its feed into your reader/personal google. It doesn't have the human filtering of that other site as it's powered by feeds and it's mostly American but they do have me!

27 November 2006, 13:20:43 GMT