Wednesday 8 November 2006

Big Sister

Thanks to Sandy MacAlister for alerting me about this in today's Daily Mail (no link):
Wartime food rationing should be brought back as a way of beating the battle against obesity, a senior MSP has claimed.

Holyrood health committee convenor Roseanna Cunningham claims a return to austere wartime portions and recipes would be a radical way of trimming the nation’s waistline.

And this isn't just idle speculation on the part of the SNP politician:
But while Miss Cunningham admitted there would be uproar at the state controlling people’s food intake, she insisted the idea should be taken seriously.
And she does:
“You can’t go in and police people’s fridges and cupboards – not yet anyway,” she said.
Perhaps this is already happening. Maybe that's why the police never seem to have time to deal with - what was it called? - crime. Are they policing our fridges? Miss Cunningham's party claims to want independence for Scotland, but certainly not for its people. Scumbags.

(UPDATE: Apparently she was misquoted.)

1 comment:

David Farrer said...

Comments made on previous template:

Anna Blainey
How Presbyterian!

13 November 2006, 01:45:57 GMT
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Neil Craig
The Devil makes work for idle politicians to do.

12 November 2006, 17:49:58 GMT
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james higham
The Scumbag Party perhaps? Should garner some votes. Anyway, I thought the Scots now have independence.

8 November 2006, 19:55:13 GMT