Friday 18 March 2005

The end of an auld sang

It does rather look as though the management has overreacted:
A TEXTILE worker has been suspended after she sang out-of-tune versions of her favourite songs, including We’ve Gotta Get Out Of This Place, during a shop floor visit by clients to the factory where she worked.
Did you know that
singing on the factory floor is a long-standing tradition among mill workers?
And why shouldn't industrial workers sing? I recall a school visit to the Johnnie Walker distillery in Kilmarnock. The ladies on the bottling line seemed very cheerful, but maybe that wasn't the result of singing...

1 comment:

David Farrer said...

Comment made on previous template:

Susan m Powell
well we sing every day in our office, only this afternoon i sang  
some enchatned evening 
kevin's favourite is 
you'll never forget the smel of the sweat from under your armpits the rest is unprintable! 
i have decided to make a not of all his funny little sayings which may be published at a later date

18 March 2005, 17:10:58 GMT