Tuesday 5 July 2005

I pees on his Frog's legs

Quelle horreur!

L'escroc has ended the Auld Alliance.

(UPDATE: I was told last night that the haggis is one of the very few unsubsidised food products in Europe. That would explain M Chirac's distaste.)

1 comment:

David Farrer said...

Comments made on previous templates:

David Farrer
I wonder how the Finns voted.

6 July 2005, 19:27:47 GMT+01:00
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Finns eat codfish tongues for chrissakes... 
How can you defend them?! 
Take heart Brits, you gave the world the Magna Carta and the French gave it... well, purses for men...

6 July 2005, 03:03:49 GMT+01:00
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Simon Holledge
Yes, I thought that was amusing. I've just written a short piece 'defending' Finland.

5 July 2005, 21:42:45 GMT+01:00
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The Bagged Bear
It's made funnier by his rubbishing of Finnish food. Finland have, so it seems, two IOC votes. I'm sure the Finns are beyond such petty retribution!

5 July 2005, 10:50:29 GMT+01:00