Saturday 24 December 2005

Unusual event in Glasgow

I don't suppose that this sort of thing happens too often:
Police were hunting a man who staged an armed robbery at an amusement arcade while dressed in a bright pink dress and brown wig.
On the other hand, over here in Edinburgh I've seen an extraordinarily large number of elderly, bearded gentlemen wearing garish red cloaks.

1 comment:

David Farrer said...

Comments made on previous template:

Robin Waddell
Hunt information can be obtained at://

26 December 2005, 23:44:59 GMT
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David Farrer
Sorry, no idea. The nearest might be somewhere in the Borders. 
In the past I have watched the hunt leave the centre of Keswick - on foot - on Boxing Day.

26 December 2005, 10:51:06 GMT
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I know this is a bit off topic. Its boxing day, my family are doing my head in. I want to go to a fox hunt to stand with them in their struggle. But Im a townie and I dont know where you would go to attend such a meet. Its 10:30 Boxing |Day, Im in Edinburgh. Any Ideas as to how I could attend a hunt today?

26 December 2005, 10:40:23 GMT