Friday 12 September 2003

Good news from St Andrews

I have received another e-mail:

Dear David,

I am very happy to report that the cat has turned up. I had just finished tramping through the neighborhood dropping a couple of hundred fliers into mailboxes; then for the umpteenth time this week I called her from our back garden, but this time a cat voice responded and presently she appeared out of the hedge from the neighbor's garden. All that tramping may have been wasted effort, but then again, I did ask people to check their garages and sheds to make sure a cat hadn't gotten stuck inside, so who knows if someone checked and let her out? Morgan seems none the worse for wear, but she's not telling what adventures she had. Many thanks for your bandwidth and to you and your readers for your good vibes, which no doubt helped her get home.


I do hope that Morgan is kept under lock and key tomorrow. Just a few miles from St Andrews the Royal Air Force will be holding its annual Battle of Britain Airshow at Leuchars. We don't want the cat to get scared by these guys.