By setting NHS hospitals free from direct state control and bringing in a new layer of private clinics, England is modernising. By denying this reform on ideological grounds, Scotland is staying in the dark ages.Scotland gets higher per-capita NHS expenditure than England without even the meagre reforms that are happening down south. Eventually people here will see the light and I hope that they blame our political class for the unnecessary suffering caused by our unreformed health service.This is understood and even welcomed in London. "You never notice a suntan until you look under your watchstrap. And if we want to see how much progress we’re making, we’ll just look at Scotland," said one MP in the lobby yesterday.
A libertarian returns to Scotland
"Freedom and Whisky gang thegither"
- Robert Burns
Thursday 8 May 2003
NHS reforms: but not in Scotland
Tony Blair got his way over foundation hospitals in the House of Commons vote. But health is a devolved responsibility of the Scottish parliament and the changes will not apply here: